COPS: Pacific Rim

Whether he did it or not, this guy should be locked up for being a really creepy looking @#$^! It'd give the poor little girl's remaining family some peace if he really is the guy, but if he's not, and the search continues, at least it nabbed this squirrel dweeb.
I mean, there are very few guys you'd look at and say, "Oh, yeah. Child molester. No doubt." Here's one. He looks like a cross between the aliens from CLOSE ENCOUNTERS and Ed Gein...
Then, there's his competition right behind our would-be killer. Some Guamian idiot who couldn't be happier to have his picture taken with a would-be child rapist and killer.
"I made it, Ma! Top of the world! My photo taking with a murderous pedophile! Life is good! Now, if only I could eat that dead mystery dog from Maine!"
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