Tag THIS, Tippy...
"A graduate student from the University of Central Florida is missing after he was pulled underwater by a large sea turtle, according to Local 6 News."
"Officials said the man vanished Thursday afternoon about three miles north of the Sebastian Inlet and 400 yards out to sea, sheriff's officials said."
"The student was apparently tagging turtles as part of a UCF research project."
ST. PETER: Hi, there.
STUDENT: Hi. Turtle drowned me.
ST. PETER: Get the hell out of here...
"Officials said the man vanished Thursday afternoon about three miles north of the Sebastian Inlet and 400 yards out to sea, sheriff's officials said."
"The student was apparently tagging turtles as part of a UCF research project."
ST. PETER: Hi, there.
STUDENT: Hi. Turtle drowned me.
ST. PETER: Get the hell out of here...
I read that and wondered why the hell he didn't just LET GO???
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