Thursday, June 29, 2006

Call my henchmen...

The would-be supervillain in me is unpacking the jumpsuits and looking for a secret lair as we speak...

>Troops Home Fast
>Wednesday, June 28th, 2006
>Dear Friends,

>GSFP and Code Pink are sponsoring a hunger strike for peace which begins July 04, called Troops Home Fast Some of us like Dick Gregory and Diane Wilson will be fasting until the troops come home from Iraq, and some, like me, will be fasting for a specified time. My fast will begin on 7/04 and end on the last day of Camp Casey: 09/02.

>We are announcing the fast from Washington, DC on 07/04 and having our last supper on 07/03 in Lafayette Park.

>If you can join us in DC on the 3rd and 4th, or fast in solidarity with us on that day, or any other time, please let me know.

>Also, Jodie Evans is throwing me a birthday party at Bus Boys and poets on the 3rd of July from 9pm to 11pm....our last food will be before midnight that day....please come to my party, if you can!!!

>Love and peace soon,

So, if you despise the pretentious and the hippie all around us, and I hope you do, eat a lot on the Fourth of July and hope that what you put away prevents Cindy from finding any vegan cuisine come September.

Code Pink? "Camp Casey," my f*cking ass...


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