Thursday, July 27, 2006

Poindexter's comedy stylings...

I'm sticking with the "science" motif with today's biting satire and rich comedic broth...

"Newfound Blob is Biggest Thing in the Universe"

Ker Than
Staff Writer Thu Jul 27, 2:45 PM ET

"An enormous amoeba-like structure 200 million light-years wide and made up of galaxies and large bubbles of gas is the largest known object in the universe, scientists say."


And, I thought my brother in law and his large bubbles of gas were the largest objects in the universe!

"Scientist: Inject Sulfur into Air to Battle Global Warming"

Sara Goudarzi
LiveScience Staff Writer Thu Jul 27, 2:00 PM ET

"One way to curb global warming is to purposely shoot sulfur into the atmosphere, a scientists suggested today."


My brother in law can probably help with that. He's always blowing sulphur into the air!

"A Brief History of Human Sex"

Heather Whipps
Special to LiveScience Thu Jul 27, 1:00 PM ET

"Birds do it, bees do it, humans since the dawn of time have done it. But just how much has the act really changed through the millennia and even in past decades? Are humans doing it more? Are we doing it better? Sort of, say scientists. But it's how people fess up to the truth about their sex lives that has changed the most over the years."


Well, my brother in law is...Um...I, uh...Doesn't really work here. So...

"Fart." I guess...


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