Sunday, July 02, 2006


>Hawking says humans close to finding answers to origin of universe
>Jun 15 8:15 AM US/Eastern
>Acclaimed British physicist Stephen Hawking has said that humanity is finally getting close to understanding the origin of the universe.
>Speaking at a lecture in Hong Kong, Hawking said that despite some theoretical advances in the past years, there are still mysteries as to how the universe began.
>"Despite having had some great successes, not everything is solved. We do not yet have good theoretical understanding of the observation of the expansion of the universe," he told an audience of 2,500 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Thursday.


What is this idiot talking about? I mean, c'mon! To go on and on about this made-up crap? What a doof...

(What? Smartest guy on the pla...Really? No shit? Damn. So he knows about...? Hm. OK...)

Well, I've been advised to give this guy some credit. OK. Perhaps it would be a good idea for me to take a moment and give this guy some credit for standing up and...

(Huh? What chair? Oh, c'mon! You're kidding! Speaks through a...? You mean like the voices on my Apple? Well, how am I supposed to know? Oh, screw it then...)


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